Spirit West, 610 Park Lane, Manchester, MO 63021
Do you have a minor ding or dent on your vehicle from a small accident? Paintless dent removal may be the best repair solution for you! Spirit West Motor Carriage Auto Body Repair near Fenton are specialists in the process of paintless dent repair and we can save you money and your deductible by utilizing Paintless Dent Repair for your minor accident repair.
Paintless dent removal, or PDR, is the process in which we are able to repair a dent or scratch without compromising your vehicle’s factory paint job. This allows the repair process to move quickly and is typically used to repair minor dents, dings, hail damage, and minor plastic bumper repairs.
Using PDR, our experienced technicians can blend high spots on the damaged panel to match the texture of the paint. We can typically complete this repair nearly 100% of the time with little to no cracking or chipping of the paint. However, there are times when we may need to touch up the paint in the process of this repair. Either way, this will save you both time and money as we will not need to completely sand the entire damaged area of your vehicle and repaint it.
So if you have been in an accident recently in Fenton, give Spirit West Motor Carriage Auto Body Repair a call at 636.394.1712 to allow the Fenton area’s leader in auto body repair help get you back on the road. Or fill out our contact form and one of our certified accident repair specialists will get back to you as soon as possible. We stand by all of our repairs and that is why we offer a National Lifetime Warranty on all repairs.
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