Spirit West, 610 Park Lane, Manchester, MO 63021
The State of Missouri has released its guidelines for schools as they prepare to reopen this fall. There are no statewide health mandates related to k-12 school reopening being issued yet however, there are local ordinances that school leaders and health officials have to keep in mind when making plans to reopen school and school districts. These ordinances are listed below.
Parents should monitor their children for symptoms that include:
Students with symptoms should not come to school and parents should contact their healthcare provider. Students who test positive may return to school after at least 10 days after they developed symptoms and have no fever and no new symptoms.
Physical Distancing:
Schools will assign students to groups and limit his or her exposure to other groups within the building. This means that students will stay with the same group of students and adults throughout the day rather than moving groups of students throughout the buildings. Schools will also implement and enforce assigned seating, and keep records of those charts to assist with identifying close contacts in the event that a member of the school community is diagnosed with Covid-19.
Masks/Face Coverings
Face Coverings will be considered for all age groups during periods when students are not grouped together or cannot physically distance. Schools will consider how to best deliver traning to students on the safe and proper use of masks, accounting for the training most appropriate for the age group. Local leaders are encouraged to stay informed about CDC guidance and recommendations on face coverings.
Though there are no health mandates through the state, each school district will be in charge of training teachers, staff, and students about the risks and how to ensure everyone is safe and able to learn to his or hers best ability.
About Spirit West Motor Carriage
Spirit West Motor Carriage Auto Body Repair is a family-owned and operated company founded and operated in April of 1977. We take great pride with teamwork and our commitment to making sure our team receives training on the latest innovative state-of-the-art equipment and collision repair techniques. We are proud to say our team is family and we treat our customers like family, too. Be assured that your car will receive this treatment, and upon completion of the repairs, you will drive away safe and satisfied! Give us a call today to see how we can get your car back into shape and back on the road.
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